GRAS Exemptions: Yes
Generally recognized as safe(GRAS) is a FDA designation that a specific substance or ingredient is generally considered safe by experts, and so is exempted from the usual Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FFDCA) food additive tolerance requirements. Potassium Bicarbonate is perfectly safe for using as food additives.Suggested Dosage
Ingestion of Potassium Bicarbonate in large quantity may hurt our health, please follow the guideline of using Potassium Bicarbonate : ADI 0-30 mg/kg bwSpecial Groups Precaution
Special groups refer to newborns, children, pregnant and any other applicable vulnerable groups.There is no evidence that Potassium Bicarbonate could have any negative effects on these vulnerable groups. It should be safe to use Potassium Bicarbonate in food for newborns and pregnant. However, we still recommend consumers to consult professionals before using large quantity of Potassium Bicarbonate for long period in food for newborns or pregnant.
General Side Effects
No significant side effects reported. Over-consumption of tartaric acid can cause thirst, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain and gastrointestinal inflammation.Reported Health Issues
No health issues about Potassium Bicarbonate reported up to now.Potassium Bicarbonate one of the popular food additives and ingredients in most countries, As a professional Potassium Bicarbonate suppliers, Foodchem International Corporation has been supplying and exporting Potassium Bicarbonate from China for almost 10 years, please be assured to buy Potassium Bicarbonate at Foodchem. Any inquiries and problems please feel free to send emails to us Email: Tel: +86-21-2206-3075. we will reply you within 1 working day.